Moving to hashnode

Recently I realized that I would not be able to hit the 100 followers anytime soon. My writing is not as consistent, as most of it is technical, and it takes time to get working clean code on gist to embed properly in the articles (also I am not super driven to write an article for everything, just things that matter to me). Between the 100 followers rule, and the blocking paywall to some articles, I figured I needed to change a bit or at least try out an alternative. I do like how easy it is to publish and edit articles on Medium, track my stats, and make those $0.03 cents from my readers. Well, maybe not so much on that last one. However, what I do want is not to make content for a company that will not share the profits (we already have lots of those) and not have my readers have to jump through a paywall.
There are alternatives as I found out after reading and searching a good amount of time and I found three real contenders:,, and This is article/short read is not about their differences, pros, cons, or anything else. There is plenty of information on that online that you can easily search as I did. What matters is on what I decided to settle on using hashnode. Why? well it is customizable, can be link the domain to your already existing website, and it can also be monetized these features all fit my current needs. I will keep my medium articles as I worked so hard to get the here, and it was a personal milestone for my growth as a “technical writer”. My current and brand new profile can be found here, do drop by and take a look for my future articles there on my new tech stack: Delphi, Python, Tornado (still love it), PostgreSQL (ACID Database with built in JSON), C++, Kotlin, and Swift. These is the direction that I am moving to build software that works (sometimes I will use VueJS for a web based client front end, but the tools you can build with Delphi have been working very well for me).
If you did manage to stumble on this article, follow me so I can follow you too! Since medium is more for creative writing than technical I find, I will only post non-technical articles here and move focus on my technical writing over at hashnode.