I ended up going a different route, the bing feature did not work after trying it several times. I see it there, it should work, but it did not. I also have an issue with safe search not being able to use the chat feature (it could be that my company is blocking this feature). The best work around was to purchase tokens for DALL-E (https://labs.openai.com/) and using it, it cost $15 and I really wanted to get it to create a logo.
It was cheaper than hiring a graphic designer, but it was not great either... it does require a lot of manual work (it helps with the ideas, and I iterated several times). A good tool for sure, and gets your 60% of the way there.
However, the quality of the logo's is not great either... I ran it through illustrator/inkscape to clean it up and vectorize it properly. Just like a video I watched suggested, it is a good for helping get ideas and a feel for what you want... iterating like this on Fiveer and getting something takes way longer and costs 2x+ more.
I hope this helps anyone with the same issues that I had and gives you a process for it. Would it make sense to make an article about it?